Peace is Taking ground

In our weekly prayer meetings – a gathering of a few people from across the Church in Maidstone, who meet at the start of each week to pray for Maidstone, the UK and the nations – we are excited to see what God is doing right now among His people. Over the past few years we have seen a gradual but very noticeable growing in relationship across the Church – Church leaders strengthening relationships with each other, working together for Maidstone, and God’s people working together in all sorts of ministries to bless people and meet their needs. This is what worshipping together looks like – when we work together for His glory!

In this morning’s meeting we prayed for others who are also praying; for those who are leading initiatives to work (aka worship) together, such as the Waypoint project; for those reaching out to build relationships with our town’s civic leaders, and leaders of other faith groups. These people are on the front lines as Jesus’ Church (what he called his ‘ekklesia’, his people) advances on the gates of Hades and takes ground from the enemy (See Matt 16:18).

And the ground we take is in the heavenly realm; it is spiritual ground. Every time unity among God’s people is strengthened; every time we build peace with others in the community; every time we bless instead of cursing, the enemy (the thief who Jesus said comes to steal, kill and destroy) loses ground.

As Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Rather, as he says in Romans 12:18, “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone”.

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